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Karir_Agung Logistik - Agung Concern - Agung Logistics - Karir Agung Concern - Lowongan Kerja Agung Logistik - Lowongan Kerja Agung Concern

Performance Staff Agung Logistics

Performance Staff

Evaluating, developing and implementing Company Development System. Monitoring all employee performance (quarter and yearly KPI) in Headquarters, Subsidiaries and Branches.

Karir_Agung Logistik - Agung Concern - Agung Logistics - Karir Agung Concern - Lowongan Kerja Agung Logistik - Lowongan Kerja Agung Concern

Tax Staff Agung Logistics

Tax Staff

Review tax returns and make recommendation for business and process improvement Making Company planning Handling full set of taxation (calculate,…

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