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Karir_Agung Rent - Agung Concern - Agungrent - Karir Agung Concern - Lowongan Kerja Agung Rent - Lowongan Kerja Agung Concern - lowongan driver - lowongan supir - lowongan kerja jakarta

Sales Staff

Sales Staff

Approach and market vehicle rental services with/without a driver to companies Building good relationships with existing customers Collect payments from…

Karir_Agung Rent - Agung Concern - Agungrent - Karir Agung Concern - Lowongan Kerja Agung Rent - Lowongan Kerja Agung Concern - lowongan driver - lowongan supir - lowongan kerja jakarta

Branch Manager

Branch Manager

1. Ensure that sales at the branch are in line with targets 2. Ensure promotions run smoothly 3. Can increase…

Karir_Agung Logistik - Agung Concern - Agung Logistics - Karir Agung Concern - Lowongan Kerja Agung Logistik - Lowongan Kerja Agung Concern

Operation Shipment Staff Agung Logistics

Operation Shipment Staff

Carry out the administration of ship departures and arrivals. Supervise the loading and unloading process of ships. Handle routine branch…

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